Saturday, 29 September 2012

Candle Balloon [Sept. 29]


We were asked to make a candle hot balloon based on the structure of our previous egg lander, meaning we had to make this hot air balloon without deconstructing the egg lander. However, we did. Our design was to simply fit the 10 candles, and at same time, keep balance.

We failed again!
Reason 1: The bag was too heavy; ten candles are too weak to produce the hot air to push the bag up.  
Reason 2: We had the candle at the bottom of the structure. However, we needed the heat to go upward to fly the balloon. Therefore, the heat that the 10 candles produced could not reach the top of the plastic bag, and that was why the entire balloon was not able to fly.
In order to have the heat reached the top of the plastic bag, we need to design a structure which can hold the candle at the middle or the top of the plastic bag. Of course, we also have to keep the several candle at the bottom just to keep the structure balance.

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